Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Project 1: Product Poster

Peeping Kitten is a necklace/bottle opener I have designed for my target consumer. It is a long silver chained necklace worn to accessories with casual wear to formal wear. It's multi-use makes it convenient for young women in their 20s to 30s. At that age, it is an important phase where they enjoy life; partying, socialising; shopping. The cat shaped bottle opener symbolises a curious kitten peeping behind a flower tree, suggesting the new experiences of adulthood. The aluminium bottle opener is sandwiched between 2 pieces of clear glass, also hinting the freedom of life. The back glass piece has a curved indent on the edge which allows the consumer to easily swing out the bottle opener. Finally the long chain is a one-size-fits-all necklace, and long enough to open a bottle comfortably.


  1. The necklace looks cool, but I think the overall design of it could be more for a younger market, like the teenage market. It doesn't really scream out 'adult-like' aesthetics, it more looks like something a high school or early tertiary student would wear. But i think if you changed grpahic on it, it could easily be for a different market. Overall I like the idea of the 'always available' bottle opener, wearing it in a fashionable way is always a good thing because whenever you like to wear something and show off, you'll always have it on you, along with the feature that comes with it.

  2. Very interesting design, when I first I looked at it, I didn't really know what it was, until I read the description. So it's a success hiding the bottle opener "inside" a necklace. Also, the kitten-shape bottle opener even makes it look even more like an accessory. I think the target market is not only for aged 20-30 young women, but for a broader market, like aged 15-35, and it suits both women and men well. Very good design, i like it :)

  3. I really like the idea. very interesting and think that its quite useful.
    -I think that ti would be better if it could be unisex so that guys could feel comfortable wearing it as well. This would open up the market to double the amount of people.

  4. I really like the discretion found in this design. This product is convenient yet by wearing consumers are not publicly advertising themselves. There is a stigma against those who carry bottle opener accessories as if they are alcoholic or a "binge drinker". This is especially relevant to females as based on gender stereotypes males sadly get away with this more frequently.
    This product could be great in high class hospitality, as it more attractive than a large chunk of metal, I think this should be explored further.
    I disagree with my peers, you cannot market this product to teens and perhaps as a result the imagery should be re-thought. I think the challenge is to get as an effective design for males or a unisex product.

  5. I think this is a creative design. It looks very nice as a necklace and I wouldn't have known it had a functional purpose, such as a bottle opener, if I wasn't told so. As my peers have said, an improvement could be to market it as a uni-sex product, and having many variations of the designs to suit peoples individuality (If they are to wear it as a clothes accessory as well).
